What can we offer your company?


Are you seeking innovative and driven talent for your company? CESIP can help you connect with Chalmers University of Technology’s brightest engineering minds. We specialize in providing exposure to your company within our extensive network of smart and diverse students, interns and even fully graduated engineers.

Ready to tap into the wealth of talent at Chalmers? Contact us today to discuss how CESIP can help your company connect with the engineers of tomorrow.

  • Direct Access to Chalmers Talent
  • Digital Marketing and Social Media Exposure
  • Guest Lectures at Chalmers
  • Featured in Our Magazine
Contact usWhat we offer


All CESIP students are pursuing a M.Sc. and will have completed their B.Sc. on departure.

As for the summer of 2022, we will have 31 ambitious students who have completed at least a Bachelor of Science in one of the following areas:

  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Engineering Physics
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering and Managment
  • Mechanical Engineering

Our members have extraordinary skills in a wide range of areas, including, but not limited to, data analysis/optimization, network security, big data, machine learning, cryptology and secure data transfer, theoretical physics, mathematics, engineering economics and management.


  • All students are available from June 14th.
  • All students are eager and willing to stay from 10 weeks up to 12 months.

Only highly motivated and technically skilled students apply to the participating companies. With fresh ideas, a different perspective and a burning interest, our members will without a doubt make solid and unique contributions to your company.

This cultural exchange is also of great benefit to both the student as well as the host firm. It is no surprise, then, that many of the companies currently working with CESIP has been doing so for many years.

If your company is interested and would like to have more information, make sure to read the latest Internship Report, which contains more information and details of last year’s internships. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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What we need from you

In order for us to be able to send our highly motivated students across the world, we will need a few things from you and your company.


  • We collaborate with ASF (American Scandinavian Foundation) in order to obtain our visas.
  • We submit applications through ASF who will contact you for confirmation of the internship.


  • Students only require a pay to cover living expenses. However, if the company can supply housing and/or transportation, the pay can naturally be less.


For business inquiries, go ahead and contact us!

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